As you barrel down the front straight, move toward the right side of the track. Depending on your track or race day rules you may or not be able to cross over the right side track on blend line. The braking zone for Turn 1 is shorter than your patience at a red light, so light, controlled braking is key. Too much, and you’ll scrub speed. Too little, and you’ll be testing your weed-wacking capabilities.
Most drivers will downshift once here, but a confidence lift-off is sometimes enough.
Your turn-in should be smooth, deliberate, and gutsy. As you approach the apex, look for the black sealer patch on the inside—it’s the good stuff. You’ll have more grip here, so lean on it like you mean it.Since the track climbs here, your car might feel like it’s trying to push wide. Trust it. The uphill camber will help rotate you through— don’t fight the car like it owes you money.
Once past the apex, it’s time to lay into the throttle. The car will naturally want to track out wide—use every inch of track available because that’s what it’s there for. The slight uphill gradient means you can be aggressive on the gas without breaking traction. Do your best to be flat-out by the exit.
Welp, let's see if I can implement all these tips myself! :) See you on the track, Ted 🏎️ 🏁
Shoutout to ASM + TOMO Coaching and David Vodden for their expert insights and track wisdom—helping us all go faster and (hopefully) stay on track at Thunderhill!
Video Timestamps:
• 1:00 - 1:25 → Explanation of Thunderhill’s longest straight and Turn 1 approach.
• 1:25 - 1:54 → Turn 1 breakdown, braking strategy, and sealer grip advantage.
• 1:54 - 2:18 → Importance of light brake pressure and rolling speed through Turn 1.
• 2:18 - 2:46 → How Turn 1 sets up for Turn 2 and track-out curbing usage.
Video Timestamps: